Woman driving whether to trust the advice on driving

If a couple comes to the car dealership, the seller in his desire to do his job, he usually concentrates all attention on the man. There is an opinion that a woman is not able to appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of the car, not to mention the ability to understand the technical parameters. At the same time, on the site of the Samara driving school, reviews about cars are increasingly leaving the ladies.

About ten years ago, this approach would be quite adequate and appropriate, but in the modern world more and more women learn the wisdom of driving and they make up a huge target audience to sell cars. Let’s try to figure out what is the fundamental difference in the requirements for the future machine in men and women. The former, first of all, pay attention to prestige, dynamics, dimensions, individual technical characteristics like the anti -lock system of brakes. Women are by nature more careful and practical, therefore it is important for them the presence of the maximum number of airbags, the convenience of the car in operation, automation of everything that is possible, air conditioning and roomy seats (and suddenly you have to put a children’s car seat?). And of course, a woman is important to the appearance of the car.

Summarizing, let’s say that if the machine has an elegant and harmonious appearance, at the same time it is easy to control, is reliable and not equipped with a mass of technical, irrelevant in practice for most bog drivers – this machine has every chance of getting into caring female hands. And, of course, a woman makes sense to buy a new, albeit budget, a foreign car with a guarantee. This will allow her to spend more time on herself, and not run on services in search of spare parts.

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