Using flexible stone in interior design: what you need to know

Flexible stone is a new material for home design. It is literally made of stone: the outer layer is a thin layer of sandstone, which is supported by a layer of flexible fabric and glue.

This means that you can apply the material to curved surfaces and get a realistic stone look. In addition to smooth stone, there is a material with an outer layer made in the form of tiles or bricks, which provides a wide choice for the implementation of a variety of aesthetic goals.

Flexible stone has several varieties. Depending on the type of finish, designers can choose:

Stone wallpaper. The material in rolls 1-1.5 mm thick is intended for interior wall decoration. This type of flexible stone is mounted on a special adhesive composition like regular wallpaper.

Tile. Thinner than standard ceramic tiles. The thickness of such flexible stone is 2-5 mm. It is used to decorate walls, floors, building facades.

Plates. Thickness is 2–5 mm, and the length of the sheet is up to 2.5 m. Such flexible stone is used for finishing countertops, walls, and house facades.

Thermal panels. It is a material based on expanded polystyrene. They are used to improve the energy efficiency of premises.

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