What questions the school of adoptive parents

Unfortunately, the problems of orphans are relevant and today. Every child, who was left without parents, dreams of getting into a new good family, which will become a real house for him, where he will be happy and give maternal and fatherly love, which he was so missing. Today, a foster family is an opportunity to educate a full -fledged child without psychological problems, but in order to adopt or adopt the baby, you need to carefully prepare for this, and the point is not only in numerous documents, but also in the psychological preparation of the parents themselves.

To help foster families, there are various courses and schools for parents going to accept the child. Parents are prepared morally and practically for the reception of a new family member, as a rule, classes are held in the form of seminars, lectures and trainings, very often in such schools they invite successful parents to share their experience and tell about all the nuances and difficulties with which they had to be able to be in the first stages.

The scope of the activity of such schools is aimed at the following aspects: to help parents really evaluate their strengths in accepting the baby in the family; give parents complete psychological, medical and legal training; provide assistance in preparing documents for adoption; to identify the main difficulties that parents face, and the tactics of behavior in these situations; disassemble typical errors of adopted parents; describe the process of adaptation of the child to a new family; introduce parents to the methods and methods of withdrawing children from a depressive state and the fight against moral injuries and some others.

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