Nanny selection criteria for a child what you need to know

Nowadays, not every mother allows herself to abandon his career with the birth of a child. A large number of mothers begin to look for work on the Internet, and the same number of mothers returns to its former workplace. Grandfather-grandfathers are not often and can not always help with solving problems related to worries about the child, so the nanny is so necessary for private ads about which can be found in any newspaper.

It also happens that the baby needs such an approach in development and upbringing that relatives cannot provide. The best way out of this situation is a nanny, the choice of which should be treated with all responsibility, t. To. This person will trust your baby. How to choose a nanny? The main condition for choosing should be the experience of the selected candidate in upbringing and communicating with strangers. If the child is very small, do not take a nanny who has no experience working with babies.

There is one unwritten law for such a case. The younger the child, the more the experience of the nanny should be the alleged candidate. The best age is nannies – up to 50 years old and you do not need to leave the baby with a very young nanny, and it will be difficult to sit with your baby too much. A nanny with a medical education is needed to care for a baby, but for an older child, the education of a teacher is already desirable, t. To. Other educational and educational processes are already going on here. Such a nanny can greatly prepare your child for a kindergarten or school.

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