How to choose a pool for a summer residence?

In the summer, when the heat in the city becomes unbearable, most people go to the country. Here you can relax in the shade of trees, spend several afternoon hours in a half -day and swim in a river or pool. Moreover, the latter today is available to everyone. And even if you do not have the opportunity to build a composite pool, you can always purchase an inflatable or frame structure.

What to choose?

We draw attention to the fact that today a wide range is presented on the market: composite pools, inflatable and frame. All of them are of high quality and reliability and have a number of undeniable advantages.

So, for example, an inflatable pool is suitable for irregular use or in a limited space – it can be installed in a matter of minutes or removed if necessary. However, it is worth remembering some moments. The site should be even, and the sides are quite wide (for safety reasons). Preference should also be given to sets with a special pump, a drain valve and a filter for water purification from small garbage.

In turn, the frame pool has the following advantages:

stability (due to increased rigidity of the structure);

assembly speed;

ease of use (the presence of staircases and nozzles for collecting/water descent);


But most importantly, the frame -type basin often has frost -resistant properties. This allows you to leave it assembled for the whole year (even after the end of the summer season) and not worry about its preservation in the winter months.

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