What to do with wrinkles of cosmetologist tips

Finally spring came – the period of flowering and revival of nature from winter hibernation. So it’s time for us, women, to turn the closest attention to our appearance. Lack of vitamins and sun in the cold period did their pernicious business. Do not add beauty and lived years, stress, fatigue. But there is a way out. Our grandmothers also successfully used folk remedies – special masks from wrinkles.

Here are a few useful recipes.

Banana mask. Grind the fruit manually or in a blender, add 2 tablespoons of cream and 1 spoon of oatmeal. The resulting mass is applied to the neck and face for 15-20 minutes.

Grapefruita mask. To one tablespoon of rice flour add 2 tablespoons of grapefruit juice and the same amount of milk, for oily skin, or sour cream, for dry. 20 minutes after application, rinse with warm water.

Potato mask. One part, welded in the uniform of potatoes, must be thoroughly mixed with equal shares of glycerol, sour cream and vegetable oil. This mixture is applied for 10-15 minutes.

Carrot mask. Finely grated carrots need to be connected with an equal amount of starch and two parts of kefir. The mass is used for 20-30 minutes. Remember that, with frequent use, carrot can give the skin a very easy tan effect.

Beer yeast -based mask. Dilute this ingredient with milk or sour cream, depending on the skin type. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes.

Honey mask. Honey, in equal proportions, is mixed with oatmeal and yoke. The mass is used for 15-20 minutes.

While experiencing grandmother’s recipes, do not forget that masks are applied only to well -peeled skin. Otherwise there will be no effect!

In addition, remember the simple rules: to be more in the fresh air, do gymnastics for the face and massages, and also, sometimes go to the cosmetologist.

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