Installation of plasterboard partition: rules and tips

A plasterboard partition will be needed if you want to make two smaller rooms out of one large room or divide the room into different zones. You can install such a partition in 1-2 days and, if desired, you can handle the work alone.

A master class on installing plasterboard partitions was held by Maxim Karpenkov, an expert in installing plasterboard.

We start marking the frame from the floor. At the location of the future partition, on the floor, we draw a perfectly straight line along which we will attach the guide profile. On the line, we mark the place where the doorway will be. We transfer the partition line to the ceiling using a plumb line, and also draw a straight line.

We install the guide profiles along the marked line on the floor and fasten them with dowel screws, with a step of 40-60 centimeters. Similarly, we fasten the guide profile to the ceiling and to the walls, not forgetting about the damper tape. The lower and upper ends of the vertical profile are inserted into the guides installed on the floor. We cut the vertical profile into pieces 5-10 millimeters shorter than the distance from the floor to the ceiling and install them in 60-centimeter increments. We fasten the profiles together with metal screws. Thus, there will be three racks per one sheet of drywall 120 centimeters wide. The sheets should be joined exactly in the middle of the rack profile.

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