How to zone the living room of various layout methods

In modern small apartments, one room can combine several functions, here the living room can be a cabinet, a bedroom and even a kitchen. The main thing is to zone the room correctly so that the situation is comfortable, convenient and functional.

When zoning the living room, it is not necessary to use various partitions and separate one zone from another using dense curtains, it is enough to achieve a visual effect of separation of space. You can divide the room into several zones using light. General ceiling lighting can combine the space, and various backlights, floor lamps, wall -mounted sconces and lamps can illuminate only one specific zone.

The space can also be divided using furniture. For a multifunctional room, try to acquire the so -called “mobile” furniture, which can be easily moved from one place to another, it can be sofas and seats on wheels, modular furniture systems, small puffs and other interior items. Do not be afraid to experiment and move the furniture as it will be more convenient for you. Modern furniture manufacturers today offer non-standard and very convenient solutions for multifunctional rooms: puffs-tables, sofas, cabinets with built-in beds, racks that can be used both in vertical and horizontal position, convenient portable tables and much more.

Zoning in the living room can also be carried out at the expense of finishing materials and decorative elements, so for different areas you can choose different wallpaper or paint the walls in different colors, separate the kitchen area with a small bar, a sleeping area with a beautiful and light rod, which, if necessary, can be pushed away, the zone Cabinet with paintings on the wall.

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