Choosing natural cosmetics to pay attention to

The famous icon of the style of the last century Coco Chanel, not without reason, claimed that if by the age of 30 a woman did not become a beauty, then she, let’s say, does not have special intellect. And it is true. Prolong youth, emphasize individuality and charm, is quite possible for modern cosmetic means, and forget about it is a crime.

Trends in recent years indicate that more and more women prefer natural cosmetics. The reasons are obvious. The poor environmental situation and a large amount of “chemistry” in food led to massive growth in allergies to any products, including means of caring for themselves. So, Styx products from Austria, products of Swedish, French companies are very popular today. Conquer a place under the sun and domestic firms.

How to choose natural cosmetics?

First of all, you need to know that such products are made exclusively from the natural components of plant or animal origin: a variety of oils, hoods, lanolin, fat, bee wax, etc.

Traditionally, coming to the store, we pay attention to the brand, that is, advertising, and price. When buying cosmetics, get yourself another rule – read labels. Unfortunately, there are frequent cases when only chemical components are revealed as part of a popular remedy for a detailed examination.

Pay attention to the smell. Leave products with a sharp strong aroma on the shelf.

Give preference to dispensers. They are stored longer, which means that there is no need for reinforced preservatives.

And the last, the price of natural cosmetics cannot be too small. But the sky -high cost is not a quality guarantee, usually this is rather the result of the popularity of the brand.

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