Classic panel and Austrian curtains differences in models

Curtains are an integral element of any interior, they create comfort, protect the room from the penetration of bright sunlight and extraneous glances. Today, curtains can not only be purchased in a store or ordering in an atelier, but also buy them in an online store, some are already familiar with a link to the site for the sale of curtains and curtains, where various curtain models are presented for every taste.

The most popular and demanded model of curtains are classic curtains. Such curtains consist of straight dense curtains and tulle curtains, curtains can be of different colors and decorated with additional decorative elements, for example, lambrequins, scrapers and others. Classic curtains are suitable for traditional classic interiors at home, for various cultural institutions, for example, theaters and museums.

Easy panel curtains that came to us from Japan are also popular today, they are distinguished by stylish and concise design, functionality and asceticism. Panel curtains are even dense stripes of fabric or plastic, which are suspended from above and weighted from below with special loads. Often such curtains are decorated with a pattern or pattern, which is clearly visible with closed curtains. Such curtain models are suitable for modern minimalistic interiors and interiors in high-tech style.

Austrian curtains are very beautiful, they are often used in the interiors of bedrooms and living rooms. Austrian curtains are cloths of fabrics that are collected from below in magnificent folds or festons. The folds move using a special system of rings and loops. Austrian curtains that are made of taffeta, silk, batist and other fabric with a shiny surface look more impressive.

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