Possibilities of discount cards of advantage of application

Almost each of us has several discount cards in the wallet. They are offered by various grocery supermarkets, pharmacies, beauty salons, cosmetics, clothing and other goods stores. Each discount card allows you to get a discount in the store or any other service.

To get such a card, most often, the store is offered to fill out a questionnaire where they ask to indicate the name and surname, date of birth, as well as contact phone number or email. By filling out this questionnaire and receiving a discount card, you agree that the store will send you information in the form of SMS messages or emails about various promotions, discounts, revenues of the new collection and other events of the organization. If you do not want to receive this information, then you need to say about this to the store consultant or mark the refusal of mailing in the questionnaire with a tick.

Since many have not even two discount cards, sometimes numerous messages from various companies begin to annoy and only replenish the spam basket. In this case, it is worth refusing to receive cards, it is simply necessary to carefully fill out the questionnaire upon receipt and immediately refuse the mailing list.

In addition to cards that provide discounts, some companies offer cumulative and bonus cards. Most often, accumulative cards are used in clothing and cosmetics stores, when buying a certain percentage of the cost of the goods is transferred to this card, later you can pay for the goods completely or part of it with the accumulated funds from the card. Bonus cards, as a rule, are used in household appliances, their use technology is similar to storage cards, only in this case is not the percentage of the cost of the goods, but bonus points that you can exchange for a discount or any product.

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