Skating and rollers what you need to know

Today, sports such as skating and roller skates are popular today. This is the sport in which everyone can participate, regardless of whether there are special skills or not. It is not difficult to buy Kiev videos Kyiv, but you can not buy it, any rink or rolllerdrum provides them completely free of charge in the rental.

However, many prefer to bring videos or skates with them, specially selected to their size, and convenient.

However, before visiting the skating rink or rollerdrome, you need to know what safety rules should adhere to.

If you do not have professional skills, you are just an amateur or have come to such a place for the first time, then it is better to put on special protection on the knees and elbows as well as the helmet on the head.

You should not go to the very middle at the rink, especially if you have come for the first time, in the middle it is easy to get a dangerous injury, so a new person is better off to stay the side, so you will always have insurance.

If you came to a rink with a couple who ride well, then you should still not go to the middle, you can be shot down, and since you are still uncertainly on the ice, you will not be able to dodge.

Everything happens on the videos in the same way, with the difference that it’s not so scary to fall on the ice. However, safety rules should adhere to.

It is better to purchase special student videos or skates to the rink or rollerdrome for beginners, it will be much more convenient to learn to keep balance and ride correctly.

If you start a little by little, you should not immediately decide that you can already go professionally, mostly most of the injuries arise in such cases.

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