Rules for laying water pipes in the ground

For normal operation, the water main must be located in the soil below the freezing point. Therefore, laying a water pipeline in the ground will require the construction of a trench. And for this, it is best to prepare a project.

The technical documentation should reflect the following issues:

  1. Soil structure. That is, its looseness or rockiness.
  2. Freezing depth in a given region.
  3. Groundwater accounting and the amount of annual precipitation.
  4. Temperature of the internal environment in the pipeline.

A trench is dug from the water source (well) to the house to a depth exceeding the freezing point of the soil by 30 cm. To install a water supply on a 20 cm thick bed of sand and gravel. And for ease of work, the width of the ditch according to building codes should be from 50 to 70 cm.

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