Home jewelry how to competently choose

We all strive to decorate our home, each in different ways, someone comes up with their jewelry for home, someone acquires magnets for a refrigerator that can give the kitchen a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. Such magnets can revive even the most stringent interior, bring a highlight and good mood into it.

Such magnets do not have to buy, they are easy to make on your own. As a rule they are made either from special plasticine or from decorative clay. Such jewelry looks simply amazing, besides, they can be given to your friends and relatives as a small souvenir.

For the manufacture of plasticine magnets, you need to purchase a special fast -drying plasticine, it is convenient to sculpt from it, and after an hour in a cool room it completely hardens. You can use various molds, or apply your own imagination, such figures do not have to be perfect, funny and ridiculous, they look much better. On an already finished figure, with the help of glue, plant a small magnetic circle, let the craft dry and that’s it, the product is ready. Buy bright and colorful colors of plasticine, such jewelry will definitely like.

If you are going to sculpt clay figures, then you need to stock up on paints, then the figures will need to be painted. It is more difficult to fly out of clay, but such a craft will look much more beautiful and more professional. Then the clay product can then be baked in an ordinary oven, decorated and glue a magnetic circle.

In addition to magnets from such clay, you can make many other decorative crafts, vases or small wall plates, the main thing is to use your imagination, because nothing will decorate your house like various crafts with your own hands.

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