Cotton or bike comparison of models

According to the studies, humanity spends a third of life in a dream. Thus, a dream is one of the most important aspects of human existence than other physical needs. If during sleep the body does not receive the necessary recovery – its capabilities are significantly reduced.

What a comfortable dream depends on what

The dream of each person depends on many nuances. It depends on the comfortable:


Ventilated room;

Mattress rigidity;


Today there is a huge selection of various blankets made from various materials. To choose the right blanket, take into account personal preferences.

Pay attention to the material of the stuffing and the case – it is on this that the degree of subjects depends. The next criterion is the time of the year, because there are blankets less warm and suitable for the cold season. Next – pay attention to the size of your bed.

Bike and cotton blankets

Many manufacturers offer to choose blankets from bikes and cotton. Cotton is characterized by stability, slight weight, softness, ease of care and low price. It is precisely such blankets that I advise you to purchase allergy sufferers.

The bike blankets are also soft, pleasant to the touch. Often they are bought for children, while they also contain cotton. So that it all depends only on your needs and preferences, because these two types of blankets are very similar.

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